Saturday, January 19, 2013

skin care/beauty routine/acne cures

I want to talk to you guys about skincare. Lately I got very interested in skin care and especially in organic beauty products. Right now I still use some products with perfume in it (like my deodorant) but I slowly want to replace all perfume containing products with organic products.

My skin looks good at the moment but this has been different. It's still super sensitive though, I can't use any other products than the products I'm using at the moment. My skin was always perfect until my 14th/15th. Then my skin got awful, it got extremely dry and I had a lot of acne on my forehead. Until then I never cared about my skin and never put any products on it. I started trying a lot of moisturizers and day creams, but everything made it worse. I went to the doctor and got a cream that helped a little against the acne, but it totally ruined and dehydrated my skin. I used way too much of it and it took about two years to make my skin look okay again after that awful cream. From my 14th till now there have been periods when my skin looked good, and periods when it got bad again. According to a lot of people the number one solution is the pill. I got on the pill and the acne disappeared a little (after 4 moths), but still there were periods when the acne came back, so I'm not really sure if it helped or not. Maybe a bit. 

Now, I know it's not really new and you might have read most of this before, but in terms of acne curing, these are the things/products I believe in:

1. Clinique dramatically different moisturizer
I'd always tried moisturizers and day creams that were less than 10 euros, I didn't want to spend more on it. But at one point I was so sick of my bad skin (I couldn't even do photoshoots anymore because of it) that I wanted a really really good product. A lot of make-up artist adviced me the Clinique 'dramatically different moisturizing lotion'. Everyone always talks about this one, I know. But, I have to say it's almost the only product that works on my skin and at the time it was a real panacea for me. At first I bought the 'small' one, which is about 24 euros. Later on I bought the normal one, which is about 45 euros. I know it's expensive, but sometimes you just have to choose for good quality and I think it normally takes me about a year to finish  it (the normal one).

2. Tea Tree

Although Clinique kept my skin really healthy, the acne, which disappeared at first, started to come back after a while. Not as bad as first luckily, but still annoying. I'd read a lot about Tea Tree oil online so I bought the Tea Tree cleansing lotion. It helped! It took some time but my skin got way better when I started using this. I use this every morning and evening, before applying the Clinique moisturizer. This product is super cheap, I think about 2 euros.
. By the way, I forgot to take the lotion with me to London, but when I wanted to buy it there I could only find Tea Tree oils/lotions with lots of perfume and artificial products in it (which can only make your skin worse) or the pure oil, which is verrry strong (so you can't use it on your skin purely). Luckily my mom sent me the lotion by post from Holland, where the lotion is mostly mixed with water. So watch out and get the right one, mixed with water and without artificial shit.

3. Nettle tea

The products mentioned above helped a lot and most of the time my skin looks almost flawless. But somehow last week my skin got worse again. Arrrgh. It might be because of the dry air. Or maybe acne just likes to pop up on random moments. Someone adviced me to drink Nettle tea (in Dutch: brandnetelthee). Nettle tea purifies your body and helps to remove toxins from your body. I drunk about 4 cups a day (1 or 2 cups is fine as well, I just feel healthy when I drink it) and it helped instantly! I must say the taste is not 'nice' or anything. My mother hates it but I just think it's normal, maybe a bit tasteless. I don't like tea without sugar, but I drink it without sugar anyway, as it's said that sugar is bad for your skin :)

Btw, you may wonder why you never noticed the acne on my blog photos. Photoshop :)


  1. Dat van de kruidvat ga ik misschien eens halen. Bij mijn huid verschilt het ook heel erg, de ene keer haast nergens last van en dan weer wel.

  2. Ik denk dat ik nog eens langs de kruidvat moet, zeker het proberen waart voor die prijs denk ik!

  3. Aaah superleuk en handig, deze post! Ik ga zeker eens langs de kruidvat haha
    Bij mij is m´n huid de ene keer ook echt helemaal zacht en egaal en de andere keer heb ik er juist weer heel veel last van, helaas
